Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Autum Seasonal Tasting

Appearance: Billowing, slightly tan head with good retention. Dark amber body, moderate haze.

Aroma: Cinnamon and nutmeg dominate, with ginger in the background. Not really sure what cardamom and allspice smell like, so hard to judge their impact. Spice is intense and unlike anything one would normally find in beer. A bit of crystal malt aroma too. Not sure is smells exactly like pumpkin pie, but pretty close.

Taste: Again the spice dominates. Hard to taste any actual pumpkin though. Malt sweetness and a bit of crystal character come through as well. Maybe a hint of molasses note. Alcohol is noticeable but not biting - slightly warming. Bitterness is low, but the cinnamon flavor gives it a kind of drying, spicy effect at the end.

Mouthfeel: Moderate to high body, despite the sugar and molasses additions. Carbonation is medium.

Overall: Not my favorite style and I would probably not have more than one at a time, but this one is spicy without being overwhelming with spice. Pumpkin taste doesn't really come through, and for me it's hard to distinguish this from a Festivus-style winter beer.

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