Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Wheat Wine Review

Appearance: Deep amber and red body. Off white head that dissipates fairly quickly. Light haze despite the enormous wheat content. Pretty good-looking beer.

Aroma: Dominated by malty sweetness. Smells a bit like malt candy, but with added fruity notes from hops. Malt and hops are both intense, but the hoppiness less so; they blend pretty well.

Taste: Complex. Malt candy like sweetness, good bitterness melding with significant alcohol bite and warmth. Alcohol may be slightly harsh. Honey malt comes through. Perhaps a little too sweet. Hoppy flavors in the dank-fruity style are there but definitely dominated by malt. I do not get a super fruity or juicy character. To me, doesn't taste quite like any other beer I've had or made, since it has so much malt candy character.

Mouthfeel: Very thick and chewy. Carbonation is light to medium. Aftertaste is alcoholic.

Overall: Really not sure what to think. Is it to style? Is it underattenuated and too sweet? Really I have no idea. I like it but think that it's probably too sweet - maybe that's why it has the candy-like aroma and taste. Or maybe that's because of the honey malt and potential caramelization during the long boil and direct-heated step mash.

I compared it against the Smuttynose Wheatwine, both a 2016 and 2012 vintage. Mine is sweeter and hoppier, and maybe a bit more alcoholic. 

 Would brew again - next time making sure to hit a low mash temp for maximum attenuation, and to pitch enough health yeast to get a drier beer.

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