Aroma: Smoke dominates but it's not overpowering and not overly ham or bacon like. I get some malty, bready character too. No hop aroma.
Taste: Somehow less smoky than the aroma. Smoke is evenly balanced with Munich and Pilsner malt character. This couldn't be mistaken for a typical Oktoberfest / Märzen, but it's not as intensely smokey as the Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbiers. I get some sweetness in the aftertaste. Bitterness is low.
Mouthfeel: Pretty smooth and slightly creamy. Carbonation is medium-high.
Overall: A pretty good smokey Oktoberfest beer. Not as smokey as some of the classic examples, but pretty close. According to my German wife, a good approximation of the German Rauchbiers. For those who are unaccustomed to smoked beer, my guess is that it would be unmistakably smokey.
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