Aroma: Sweet, malty, bready and a little toasty. Hop aroma is none, and I don't get a sulfur, DMS or other smells of improperly fermented lager. It has a certain flavor note that has been common among all my lagers - I think a feature of the pilsner malt - and that I would describe as slightly corn-like but grainy malty and pleasant.
Taste: Pretty smooth. Malty, sweet and lightly toasty. Hop flavor is close to none but maybe a slight earthy or spicy noble-hop note. Clean lager taste. Flavorful but not intensely so. Bitterness is enough to balance the sweetness but the beer leans toward a malty, sweet note. Finishes a little more dry and malty than the initial taste.
Mouthfeel: Carbonation is moderate, body chewy but not heavy. Good for colder weather.
Overall: I like it a lot. Not sure how it will stack up to the exemplars of the style, but I will do a side-by-side tasting at some point soon.
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