Brett C Saison
5 gallons
10# Pils
1# Munich Dark
0.5# Torrified Wheat
0.5# Cane Sugar
.75 oz Magnum, 12.4%, 60min
1oz Santiam, 6%, Whirlpool
Brett C primary
Mash at 150F.
Expected OG/FG/IBU/ABV: 1.062 / 1.090 / 29 / 6.9%
Made starter with 1L water, 100g DME, and yeast nutrient. Pitched 1 vial of Brett C (WLP 645) 68F ambient.
No signs of fermentation yet.
Again no apparent signs that the starter is fermenting. Shook starter a bit. I've heard that Brett usually works way more slowly that brewer's yeast. I hope that I will have enough of it to get a good primary ferment with it.
The starter had a ring of trub gunk where the beer meets the side of the flask, indicating that fermentation has passed high krausen.

Brew day didn't go smoothly due to equipment issues and using my buddy's system rather than my own. No gravity readings etc. Long cooling period necessitated pitching the day after brewday.
Got ~5.1 gallons into the carboy, but not much trub. Pitched decanted starter at 68F and let set in 70F ambient to begin fermentation.
About 24 hours after pitching, the fermentation was going very vigorously. Continuous airlock bubbling and lots of churning due to CO2 production. I guess I was totally wrong to be concerned about not having enough brett yeast in the starter.
Fermentation going, but less vigorously.
Fermentation is no longer causing air lock bubbling, but bear is still turbid with yeast.
Racked to secondary.
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