Appearance: Light, hazy orange with fluffy, white and persistent foam. Good lacing. Appropriately cloudy. (The first few pours from the keg were too yeasty giving the beer a nasty white-gray appearance and overly yeasty taste, but at this point the level of yeast in the beer is correct.)
Aroma: Yeasty, a little phenolic, slightly bready. What I would expect from a Hefeweisen. Doesn't have a strong banana or bubblegum aroma. Overall pretty restrained but to-style.
Taste: Again yeasty, but with a nice maltiness and some bready notes. Some cloves and phenolic notes, but again fairly restrained, as it should be. I might get a hint of sourness.
Mouthfeel: A little too "chewy" for the style. It should be a bit more carbonated, which may also help to give it a more billowing head. Medium fizziness. Low sweetness, so fairly crisp. Yeasty and clove like aftertaste. (I recently got a kegging system but I am still fiddling with it to fix leaks. Will now carb this up a bit to 16PSI for ~3 volumes of CO2.). In my stomach, it's filling.
Overall: Much better than my previous two attempts. Fairly restrained in character, but none of the great German wheat beers are over-the-top in character, and JZ in Brewing Classic Styles that restraint is important in this style. Refreshing for a summer day, and with a moderate ABV, can be consumed in quantity. Could be a bit more bready - maybe try a decoction mash? F
or next time, run the right program in the STC-1000+.
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