Appearance: Very clear, light-medium orange color, with persistent, slightly off-white head that sticks to the side of the glass nicely. Decent carbonation bubbles on the side of the mug. Perhaps a little too dark.
Aroma: Hoppy, mostly, with an American hop character of fruity citrus, slight pine. Good bready malt smell as well. Hops could be stronger in the smell. I don't get any yeast esters.
Taste: Pretty evenly balanced between the hops and malt. Fairly dry, but bready malt flavors and a little bit of fruit, and a nice but subdued hop bite at the end. No yeasty flavors, clean fermentation. I like the bready character without the caramel sweetnes.
Mouthfeel: Good moderate body, carbonation slightly higher carbonation than most of my beers but not excessive.
Overall: A refreshing pale ale with a pretty even balance between hops and malt. Maris Otter base malt probably helped to put it into the maltier side for this style. I like it quite a bit.
Next Time: Try this with US 2-Row as a comparison, or try to hop it up a bit more, especially in the aroma.
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