Aroma: Yeasty esters of ripe bananas, but not strong. Bready malt notes. No hops.
Taste: Not sure. I think the initial taste is a kind of malty bread character, followed by yeasty phenolics and some cloves. I don't get a strong banana flavor however. Good, moderate body, with solid carbonation on the high side. Bitterness is very low.
Aftertaste: Again yeasty phenolics. Not especially pleasant but not undrinkable. Similar to the failed wit beer from almost a year ago.
Generally pretty bland wheat beer, with phenolic character bordering on unpleasant. I suppose I will need to wait to have a temp-controlled fridge before I can really do well with this style. Apparently 62F is the optimal temperature and this type of yeast is sensitive to deviations from the optimal temp, but as yet I cannot maintain a fermentation at that temperature.
Maybe the yeast is the issue. Perhaps a liquid yeast will be superior?
So, it's disappointing. But I'll try again at some point.