For this brew, I'll be changing the recipe slightly in order to make it a little less sweet than my previous brew of this style. Last month I had a sample of Alaskan Smoked Porter, which was delicious, but less sweet than my own brew - not more acrid exactly, but a little roastier and dryer than my own. Basically, I knocked down the amount of Crystal malt a little, and added more chocolate and black-patent malt to achieve the desired dry-roasty quality, while keeping the base malt and the percentage of Cherry-smoked malt the same.
Smoked Porter #4
3 Gallons
5.125# US 2-Row
2.5# Cherry Smoked Malt
10oz Munich I
8oz Crystal 40
8oz Chocolate
6oz Crystal 90
5oz Black Patent Malt
1oz Goldings, 60min, pellet, 5% AA
.5 oz Willamette, 45min, 4.9% AA
.5oz Willamette, 10min, 4.9% AA
.5oz Goldings, 5min, 5% AA
.5oz Willamette, 5min, 4.9% AA
Expected OG / FG/ IBU/ ABV: 1.068, 1.017, 42, 6.6%
Mash at 152F, 60 minute boil
Made a starter with washed US-05 on 1/19/14
Brewed 1/20/14

Got about 4.25 gallons of pre-boil wort, at an OG of around 1.055.
Used a calibration stick to measure the volume of wort, and then adjusted the boil to try to hit my target volume. At the end of the boil, there was around 3.25 gallons of wort, so I seem to have measured things right.
Cooled, using the rig pictured, to around 90F, then racked to a PET carboy. Let stand in 35F - 40F ambient air for a few hours to cool. Pitched at around 65F, and let the bottle sit in 62F ambient air. Fortunately this time the sump-pump was working properly.
Because I racked when the wort was still relatively hot, it was not as clear as I was hoping. I did leave about a quart of trub in the bucket, which I then poured into a pitcher. After a while some clear wort was on top - enough for a hydrometer sample reading 1.070. Yay, hit my target OG pretty spot-on.
2/2/14- Bottled today with 2 oz of sugar. Fermentation seemed to have been quick but did not generate a very large krausen, likely because of the restrained temperatures, in the 60F - 64F range. Measure FG at 1.018.
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