Appearance: Coppery in color with a moderate head that fades to a thin layer of bubbles over the surface of the beer. Low chill haze but not crystal clear. I really don’t have a problem with haze in most beers, unless it causes the beer to look like mud or something. Lacing sticks to the side of the glass as I drink.
Aroma: Low to moderate aroma of hops. A nice piney quality mixes with some tropical fruitiness. The aroma is better than my previous IPA but not what I hoped for in terms of strength.
Taste: Hops predominate. It has a piney, resiny character with a little bit of "cattiness" but I do not find it harsh. Slight fruity quality. The bitterness is assertive, but again it doesn't have the fruity character of some IPAs. A slight taste of malty sweetness but that is in the background.
Mouthfeel: Low-medium carbonation, appropriate for the style. It has a medium body. A nice hop bitterness lingers in the aftertaste.
Overall: An IPA with good bitterness, low-moderate hop aroma, and low sweetness. Moderate body. I guess it is more in the "West Coast" style of IPA, which is hoppier and without as much body than an "East Coast" IPA.
For Next Time: Go for a more assertive hop aroma. The "hop-stand" was an experiment. Next time I brew this I will either dry-hop or skip the hop-stand in hopes that either of those methods will increase the hop aroma. I don't think I would change much else.
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