Wednesday, June 27, 2012


This blog will serve as my homebrewing journal. I have been homebrewing since May 2011, with a stove-top all grain process that I use to make 3 gallon batches. I consider myself a new homebrewer still learning the basics of creating high-quality beers. As of June 2012, most of my beers have been decent but not great. In my view and that of my wife (hardly impartial experts) none of my beers have been terrible and a few have been really good. Most have been kind of middle of the road.

I feel that my record keeping, note-taking, and general organization about brewing has not been good enough to really help me in refining my process. So, this blog will be a place for me to take detailed notes on my brewing, tasting, equipment, process, or anything related to my homebrewing career. I hope that by taking these notes I can increase my skill level. In my experience writing my thoughts down is important because otherwise, with my busy life, I would forget them.

In any case, I plan to post about my recipes, my brewdays, my brewing technique, equipment, the results of my brewing, or really anything relevant to my homebrewing habit. I've created a couple of fixed pages to describe in general terms my equipment and process. As these things change I will update the pages appropriately.

An American IPA from Brewing Classic Styles

Janet's Brown Ale from "Tasty McDole" and Brewing Classic Styles. My wife and I really liked this brew.

An attempt to clone Oaked Arrogant Bastard. Not quite hoppy, oaky or aggressive tasting enough.

The Saison from Brewing Classic Styles. This was a really good one.

An attempt at cloning Alaskan Smoked Porter that wasn't smoky because the LHBS sold me the wrong malt. But still it scored a 35 in a competition in the Robust Porter category. My first ever entry into a competition.

Stoffla, a smoky, slightly sour Franconian style brewed from the book Smoked Beers (brewed as an ale rather than lager). Not sure how it was supposed to taste, but I liked it.

A stout from Brewing Classic Styles

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