Aroma: Fruity hops - pears or peach maybe. Some resemblance to the classic Cascade-Centennial combination. I do get a bit of a malty, bready note from the Munich malt. Intensity of hop aroma is good.
Taste: Dominated by fruity hop flavors, but with surprising bitterness given that all hops were late additions. I could mistake this for a Cascade-Centennial combo but maybe with a bit more dankess. Juicy but not overly so. I don't get strong malty character - just a hint.
Mouthfeel: Fairly light body, medium carbonation, but doesn't have the super-light body of the classic New England IPAs - probably the bitterness adds a bit of body.
Overall: Pretty good, approaching a New England IPA. Could use slightly less bitterness and less body. Overwise the hop aroma and flavors are great - a good combination of juiciness and dankness.