The color is much light than that of the opaque, coppery-brown pre-fermentation cider. How does fermentation change the color and transparency of the cider?
Aroma: I still get a sulfury not from the yeast, and not a whole lot of apple-like smell. The Champagne yeast does seem to have imparted a kind of white-wine like smell that may obscure the apply quality. Still my wife said that it did have a sourish apple smell. She and I do seem to have differently calibrated noses.
Taste: It doesn't have a strong taste, but I would say this it does have a nice apple taste, and like the nose, some white-winey notes. It does not have a sour bite at all - the campden had its intended effect. I get almost no sweetness. It's very dry, as I was told to expect with Champagne yeast. Also the flavor seems to improve a little bit as it warms. It doesn't have any boozy note in the taste as it is likely around 4%-5% ABV.
Mouthfeel: Low carbonation. It's doesn't have a big body but fortunately doesn't seem thin and effervescent, like highly-carbed Champagne can. The aftertaste does seem to have an apple quality.
Overall: A pretty dry, low carbonation cider, with some apple flavor and quite some similarity to white wine. Some sulfur in the nose.
As yet, this cider is young. I will need to keep a few bottles around to see how it taste after a year of aging. I will probably make some cider again, though perhaps use a less attenuative yeast, and some sour apples. The sourness can accentuate the apple flavors.